A narrative from Melinda Butler

What Impact has #YourBestDecade (YBD) left on your life?
#YourBestDecade helped validate the current path I am on. In April 2018 I was very uncomfortable with my body and it played on my emotions, my social life, and my entire overall wellbeing; my community told me there was no more spark in my eye. I was just turning 29 and decided enough was enough. I knew there was more to life than feeling uncomfortable and unhappy with the direction my life was taking. I made the decision that I would spend the next year working on my mental health and my physical health because I wanted to be ready to live my best decade going into my 30’s. In the last year, so much of what Ryan Fahey writes about is exactly what I’ve been implementing into my life. As always, we have so much to learn and to grow from. I appreciate the lessons Ryan teaches in his book, as it takes my growth to the next level and reconfirms the path I am on and what I constantly share with others.
Which chapter most applied to you and why?
“Abandon The Comfort Zone” was a chapter that really spoke to what I encourage people to do. In order to reach this far into my best decade, it required expanding my comfort zone. The only way we can grow is to make a change… change and growth exist outside the comfort zone.
The interesting thing is the longer we think about expanding our comfort zone, or about challenging our limits, the more fearful we become.
I absolutely love and appreciate that Ryan recognized that expanding our comfort zones is not something we’re ever expected to do on our own.
In reaching our unlimited potential:
“It is not a solo discovery. Once you have set reasonable timelines, I want you to call or email a friend to hold you accountable to your action items. There is no greater force for challenging you than having an accountability partner who loves you and respects you.” — Ryan Fahey
As a Beachbody Coach, what is special about our company is that accountability, support, respect, and love is the center of what we do! It is the reason I have achieved so much since April 2018.
What most excites you about living out YBD?
Knowing that I am going to be living each day with purpose. That purpose is not only to work on myself in my personal life physically, mentally, and spiritually, but also to inspire others to do the same for themselves.
Living my life with purpose is to teach others of their beautiful unique talents, to believe in their capabilities, and through example to live their lives forever reaching for their ideal, ultimate potential.
Living out my best decade means to envision the life I want for my future, and make choices each day that will help get me there. Some things don’t always go as planned either, but picking ourselves back up and carrying forward is also a part of living our best decade.
If you could describe this book to someone in three words what would you say?
What is one major takeaway you have from the book?
This book refocuses my purpose, enlightens my focus, and energizes my drive as I continue to live out my best decade.
When you envision living out YBD, what does it look like?
It looks like happiness.
It looks like success.
It looks like freedom.
It looks like continuous growth.
It looks like challenges.
It looks like many ups and downs.
It looks like a life that is confident.
When you live out your best decade, you will be surrounding yourself with people who challenge you positively, who support you, who celebrate with you, who allow you to rise, and who elevates you to continuously reach to your highest potential. When living your best decade, you will recognize that you have a light to shine, and you this will attract positivity.
For everyone out there who hasn’t read YBD yet, what would you say to them?
What are you waiting for? Reading YBD will boost you into leveling up in your life. It is a stepping stone to rise up, recognizing that you have value and significance.
Wondering if there is more to life? Read YBD and get ready to launch yourself into your unlimited potential!
To connect with Melinda, feel free to check her out on Instagram @life_with_a_purpose.mb or on Facebook — Melinda Butler.
Whether you are 48, 38 or in your early 20’s Your Best Decade (YBD) will provide you will the knowledge, resources, and ideas to help reach your greatest potential in the ‘Big Three’ areas of your life. If you want to live daily according to your highest values this book is for you. Start living YBD today!